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Our Rules of Play are in place for the safety and comfort of ALL visitors.

Anyone found to be ignoring these rules

will be asked to leave the venue.

Please keep your children under control as unruly behaviour

may just spoil everybody's day!!

   ADVANCED BOOKINGS - Strongly Recommended


Always check before arriving if you don't book online,

as we may not be open when you arrive.


Please Note: we reserve the right to open later or close early

than times published, for sessions that contain no bookings.



Monday 30th September to Wednesday 2nd October - CLOSED


​Thursday 3rd October - 9:30am to 2:00pm

Friday 4th October  - 9:30am to 2:00pm

Saturday 5th October - 9:30am to 3:30pm

Sunday 6th October - 9:30am to 12:30pm


Times shown above are subject to change,

depending on demand and PRIVATE PARTY BOOKINGS.

Please book online to ensure your intended date/time is available. 


If you cannot make your booking on time, please inform us so we

know you are coming, otherwise we will close early if no show.


(Each session lasts for 2 hours)

All bookings are subject to our Terms & Conditions.

All visitors must observe our Rules of Play - available throughout the centre.


• Please arrive promptly for your booking. Your session is for a period of 2 hours - be prepared

to leave on time as your table will be required for the next booking as soon as yours ends.


Note: Due to excessive increases in running costs (energy/etc),

ALL adults are now required to pay an entry fee.

Adults who have not paid before arriving, may not be able to attend due to capacity restrictions.

This charge does not apply to Childminders, Nurseries or Schools. 

  If you cannot make your booking, you can choose to move to another date/time as long as we are given at least 24 hours notice, otherwise we will be unable to alter the booking for you.


Cancellation of bookings will not be fully refundable - a charge of £1.50 will be deducted from any        refund to cover admin charges. To alter a booking, please call the centre on 01457831000.

  • For safety, all shoes, bags and other loose items should be placed underneath

your table or chairs to avoid any trip hazards. 

• Please order any food items from the menu at least One Hour before your sessions ends,

to allow us to prepare and serve your order on time.

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